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Celebrities/Pop Culture

Celebrities/Pop Culture

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Discover all the action figures and collectibles dedicated to famous people and celebrities

Games and Comics has created a section dedicated to celebrities from different fields such as films, music, television, sports and celebrities of the public with incredible collectibles including action figures, statues, bobble heads and busts. Characters with a great historical impact in their respective fields are present in this section such as for the world of music for which we find Elvis Presley, Janis Joplin, Pantera, AC/DC, Guns N ' Roses along with many other artists; or if we talk about sport we can find, on the Online Games and Comics Shop, characters and stars of the caliber of Michael Jordan, Lebron James, Kobe Bryant, The Rock Dwayne Johnson, Tiger Woods and others.

Related to the the public world we find characters that have marked generations and others that are part of modern history as Winston Churchill, Edgar Allan Poe, Donald Trump and his wife Melania, Albert Einstein, Pope Francesco, George Washington, Marilyn Monroe, along with many others. Visit now the famous people section to find out if your idols of all time are also present in our offer to be able to add them to your collection.

Gadgets of all kinds wait you only at Games and Comics

Discover our incredible collection of collectibles about famous people and celebrities on the Online Shop Games and Comics and gadgets of different types dedicated to such prominent figures as cups, puzzles, posters, card gaming and table games . Come and discover them now to choose your favorite gadgets .

Choose your favorite famous characters to secure the best collectibles

The Games and Comics Online Shop offers you a wide range of collectibles and gadgets dedicated to famous characters including you can discover many fantastic items such as statues, action figures and bobble heads of incredible quality with which to enrich your collection. Do not miss any dedicated output to your celebritiy and famous people staying up to date thanks to our section dedicated to preorders.

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