Reference: 68506pre5
Order now Gundam Barbatos 1/100 Model kit by Gundam Master Grade Serie
Reference: 68506pre5
Order now Gundam Barbatos 1/100 Model kit by Gundam Master Grade Serie
Reference: 74519gec
Buy now this beautiful HG kit of KOTETSU JEEG INFINITISM by Bandai.
Reference: 88253PRE5
Buy now the Bandai Full Mechanics 1/100 scale action figure kit created by Bandai. Here is the Gundam Aerial The Witch from Mercury model kit action figure.
Reference: 86627pre5
Buy the Bandai High Grade 1/144 scale action figure kit created by Bandai now. Here is the Gundam Aerial model kit action figure.
Reference: 65204pre5
Bandai brings us a beautiful HG kit of the legendary Grendizer, using the experience they gained from their outstanding Infinity version of Mazinger Z and Great Mazinger!
Reference: 68520
From Saint Seiya , the asgardian knight Siegfried !!
Reference: 81024PRE612gec
From "Saint Seiya" here is the new Myth Cloth EX presented by Bandai: Kaysa of Lymnades, Lemuri. Thanks to the parts present with the action figure, you can create a fantastic Object!
Reference: 72376pre3
From the RG Evangelion series, which pursues realism as an android, a lineup of prototype zeros!
Reference: 91390PRE11
New series of model kits created by Bandai. Here is the High Grade of the action figure from the saga "The Witch From Mercury" Gundam Calibarn.
Reference: 61450gec
Non potevano certo mancare i modelli dell'ultimo film Mazinga Z Infinity, lo sviluppo in scala 1/144 permette ulteriori dettagli e dimensioni di un certo livello.
Reference: 89764PRE8
New series of model kits created by Bandai. Here is the High Grade of the action figure from the saga "The Witch From Mercury" Gundam Schwarzette.
Reference: 86327PRE3
Buy now the Bandai High Grade Gundam Lfrith 1/144 scale action figure kit created by Bandai.
There are 541 products.
Reference: 85628
Brand: JOY TOY (CN)
Buy the Black Legion Helbrute from Warhammer now! He charges into battle as a detailed 1/18 scale figure. 23cm tall!
Reference: 92272
Brand: JOY TOY (CN)
Buy now the new line of action figures dedicated to Warhammer 40000; here is the Iron Hands Intercessors Brother Ignar, created by Joy Toy.
Reference: GTAV1681
ITALIAN GAME. Il gioco di corsa più interattivo del mercato: non conta tanto essere primi se hai un missile al momento giusto! La più incredibile delle corse sta per cominciare! Sfidate i vostri amici in gare mozzafiato sui circuiti più avventurosi del pianeta, tra vulcani attivi e templi misteriosi! Sfrecciate su improbabili bolidi,...
Reference: GTAV1680
ITALIAN GAME. Il party game che ha già stregato decine di migliaia di giocatori in Italia! Preparatevi a una gara di magia e risate! Tirate i dadi, lanciate gli incantesimi, obbligate i vostri avversari ad assumere posizioni impossibili e, quando saranno con la testa sul tavolo e le braccia incrociate… Scatenate il divertimento! In Vudu’...
Reference: GTAV1679
ITALIAN GAME. Il Dino Park è aperto! Il primo con dinosauri vivi! Per inaugurarlo ci sono solo celebrità a farsi selfie davanti alla belva addormentata… Ma qualcosa è andato storto: il T-Rex è arzillo! Liberati delle cose nello zaino passandole agli altri giocatori o usandole e, se il T-Rex ti punta, distrailo mandandolo verso gli altri. No,...
Reference: GTAV1686
ITALIAN GAME. Nella leggendaria Svervegia, clan di Lemmings si scontrano per riuscire ad accedere al Valhalla! Scontrati con gli altri Lemmings ma cerca di uscirne sconfitto! Solo gli sconfitti accedono al Valhalla! I vincitori torneranno al loro villaggio e attireranno l'attenzione di una Leggenda del luogo. Riuscirai a perdere le battaglie e...
Reference: GTAV1685
ITALIAN GAME. Incredibili sogni affioreranno nella tua mente! Ma cosa hai mangiato la sera prima? Stanotte ho sognato un barbiere con una banana in mano che prendeva le misure ad una paperella di gomma nel mio bagno... Ma come andava avanti? Improvvisamente tutto diventava a pois! Riuscirai a ricordarti il sogno nonostante il Mangiasogni...
Reference: GTAV1684
ITALIAN GAME. Memoria e velocità nello stesso gioco! Quando finisce la memoria cerca di essere il più rapido! “Pizzeria Italia” è un gioco avvincente e strategico. Durante la preparazione creerete il vostro mazzo accumulando le carte Trancio. Poi tenterete di comporre la vostra pizza al metro il più velocemente possibile. Chi comporrà la pizza...
Reference: GTAV1683
ITALIAN GAME. Rimani l’ultimo in piedi nel Fast West! Anticipa le mosse e tieni gli occhi puntati sui tuoi avversari! Hai presente quando nel bel mezzo del far west qualcuno tira fuori una pistola? Ecco, sei nel bel mezzo del far west e qualcuno ha tirato fuori una pistola… Schiva, ricarica, usa il revolver o il fucile, tieni gli occhi puntati...
Reference: GTAV1682
ITALIAN GAME. Non essere un pollo! Becca gli altri e non farti beccare! “Beccato” è un gioco di sguardi, telepatia e gesti fugaci. Fai capire al tuo compagno di squadra, attraverso un segnale segreto, che hai in mano un tris. Ma attenzione: se gli avversari ti scoprono, non farai punti! Quindi non essere un pollo... Non farti beccare!...
Reference: GTAV1677
ITALIAN GAME. Benvenuti nell’allegra Fattoria di Super Farmer! Siete in grado di allevare conigli, mucche, maiali, pecore e cavalli? Se la risposta è SI questo gioco fa per voi! Ma attenzione: il Lupo e la Volpe sono sempre in agguato per scombinare i vostri piani! Dovrete assoldare i cani da guardia più coraggiosi per proteggere il bestiame e...
Reference: GTAV1675
ITALIAN GAME. L’isola del tesoro è un fantastico gioco di avventura! È sempre nuovo e divertente, grazie alle tessere componibili che rendono il percorso personalizzabile nella forma e nella lunghezza. Muovendo il proprio galeone del numero indicato sul dado impariamo a contare e scopriamo insieme fantastiche avventure nascoste sotto ogni...
Reference: 91672gec
Brand: NECA
Order now the Strongheart action figure for the Dungeons adn Dragons Ultimate line created by Neca.
Reference: 91671
Brand: NECA
Order now the Zarak action figure for the Dungeons adn Dragons Ultimate line created by Neca.
Reference: 91662PRE0
Order now this life sized collectible figure dedicated to the Dungeons and Dragons saga; here is this extraordinary life-size Owlbear figure!
Reference: 91648-FREE51210DSHGAF
Order now the new Figma action figure, from the Table Museum series of art classics! Here is the action figure of Leonardo da Vinci's Monnalisa.
Reference: 78808
Order now this adult gold dragon premium figure from D&D Icons of the Realms! Giant-sized miniature !
Reference: 79614PRE0
Order now this adult emerald dragon premium figure from D&D Icons of the Realms. Giant-sized miniature for DnD party!
Reference: 79294
BUILD YOUR HERO! - The DUNGEON & DRAGONS FRAMEWORS line features highly detailed multi-part hard plastic miniatures with clear plastic elements. These miniatures come unassembled and offer multiple options for building the figure, as well as mixing and matching parts between the different miniatures in the Frameworks line. Usable in Dungeons...
Reference: 79283
BUILD YOUR HERO! - The DUNGEON & DRAGONS FRAMEWORS line features highly detailed multi-part hard plastic miniatures with clear plastic elements. These miniatures come unassembled and offer multiple options for building the figure, as well as mixing and matching parts between the different miniatures in the Frameworks line. Usable in Dungeons...
Reference: 79275
BUILD YOUR HERO! - The DUNGEON & DRAGONS FRAMEWORS line features highly detailed multi-part hard plastic miniatures with clear plastic elements. These miniatures come unassembled and offer multiple options for building the figure, as well as mixing and matching parts between the different miniatures in the Frameworks line. Usable in Dungeons...
Reference: 79284
BUILD YOUR HERO! - The DUNGEON & DRAGONS FRAMEWORS line features highly detailed multi-part hard plastic miniatures with clear plastic elements. These miniatures come unassembled and offer multiple options for building the figure, as well as mixing and matching parts between the different miniatures in the Frameworks line. Usable in Dungeons...
Reference: 79297
BUILD YOUR HERO! - The DUNGEON & DRAGONS FRAMEWORS line features highly detailed multi-part hard plastic miniatures with clear plastic elements. These miniatures come unassembled and offer multiple options for building the figure, as well as mixing and matching parts between the different miniatures in the Frameworks line. Usable in Dungeons...
Reference: 79291
BUILD YOUR HERO! - The DUNGEON & DRAGONS FRAMEWORS line features highly detailed multi-part hard plastic miniatures with clear plastic elements. These miniatures come unassembled and offer multiple options for building the figure, as well as mixing and matching parts between the different miniatures in the Frameworks line. Usable in Dungeons...
Reference: 79300
BUILD YOUR HERO! - The DUNGEON & DRAGONS FRAMEWORS line features highly detailed multi-part hard plastic miniatures with clear plastic elements. These miniatures come unassembled and offer multiple options for building the figure, as well as mixing and matching parts between the different miniatures in the Frameworks line. Usable in Dungeons...
Reference: 79281
BUILD YOUR HERO! - The DUNGEON & DRAGONS FRAMEWORS line features highly detailed multi-part hard plastic miniatures with clear plastic elements. These miniatures come unassembled and offer multiple options for building the figure, as well as mixing and matching parts between the different miniatures in the Frameworks line. Usable in Dungeons...
Reference: 79286
BUILD YOUR HERO! - The DUNGEON & DRAGONS FRAMEWORS line features highly detailed multi-part hard plastic miniatures with clear plastic elements. These miniatures come unassembled and offer multiple options for building the figure, as well as mixing and matching parts between the different miniatures in the Frameworks line. Usable in Dungeons...
Reference: 79279
BUILD YOUR HERO! - The DUNGEON & DRAGONS FRAMEWORS line features highly detailed multi-part hard plastic miniatures with clear plastic elements. These miniatures come unassembled and offer multiple options for building the figure, as well as mixing and matching parts between the different miniatures in the Frameworks line. Usable in Dungeons...
Reference: 79272
BUILD YOUR HERO! - The DUNGEON & DRAGONS FRAMEWORS line features highly detailed multi-part hard plastic miniatures with clear plastic elements. These miniatures come unassembled and offer multiple options for building the figure, as well as mixing and matching parts between the different miniatures in the Frameworks line. Usable in Dungeons...
Reference: 79295
BUILD YOUR HERO! - The DUNGEON & DRAGONS FRAMEWORS line features highly detailed multi-part hard plastic miniatures with clear plastic elements. These miniatures come unassembled and offer multiple options for building the figure, as well as mixing and matching parts between the different miniatures in the Frameworks line. Usable in Dungeons...
Reference: 79280
BUILD YOUR HERO! - The DUNGEON & DRAGONS FRAMEWORS line features highly detailed multi-part hard plastic miniatures with clear plastic elements. These miniatures come unassembled and offer multiple options for building the figure, as well as mixing and matching parts between the different miniatures in the Frameworks line. Usable in Dungeons...
Reference: 79270
BUILD YOUR HERO! - The DUNGEON & DRAGONS FRAMEWORS line features highly detailed multi-part hard plastic miniatures with clear plastic elements. These miniatures come unassembled and offer multiple options for building the figure, as well as mixing and matching parts between the different miniatures in the Frameworks line. Usable in Dungeons...
Reference: 79282
BUILD YOUR HERO! - The DUNGEON & DRAGONS FRAMEWORS line features highly detailed multi-part hard plastic miniatures with clear plastic elements. These miniatures come unassembled and offer multiple options for building the figure, as well as mixing and matching parts between the different miniatures in the Frameworks line. Usable in Dungeons...
Reference: 78806pre0
Buy now this 30 cm resin statue that faithfully reproduces the efreeti featured on the cover of the Dungeon Master's Guide of the first edition of Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, but with a variation, in the grip of the efreeti is the knight armed with spade!
Reference: FUPC0317
Brand: FUNKO
The stylized `POP! Vinyl´ figure has a rotating head and comes in a displayable window box! It stands approx. 10 cm tall.
Reference: MCF90191DSHGAF
Buy now the new Todd McFarlane action figure dedicated to Sinn from the Spawn comic.
The fantasy is a genre that has always aroused great curiosity in the audience of all ages, thanks to the incredible adventures that come to life in the most famous and well-known sagas, with that air of magic that transpires and ch and intrigues everyone. Games and Comics has created a section dedicated to everything related to fantasy with incredible collectibles related to this area for the most avid fans . The best brands like Mezco Toys, McFarlane, Neca, Iron Studios and Weta have produced fantastic bobble heads, action figures, model kits, mini figures and statues dedicated to fantasy drawing inspiration from sagas such as Conan the Barbarian, Warhammer 40000, Dragons Series, Dungeons and Dragons, Lord of the Ring, World of Warcraft and The Call of Cthulhu. Discover all the products on the Online Games and Comics Shop dedicated to fantasy to satisfy your every desire.
In addition to many collectibles, Games and Comics offers board games and gadgets dedicated to the fantasy universes. Among the most popular board game titles you will surely recognize Dungeons and Dragons, Drakerys Miniature, Wild West Exodus, Black Seas, Icons of the Realm, Warhammer and Zombicide of which there are many different versions and numerous accessories with which to make the games even more exciting. your gaming sessions. Also various gadgets dedicated to fantasy are available such as mugs, posters, card games and much more to discover on our Online Shop .
Choose your favorite items dedicated to fantasy among those that Games and Comics offers you: collectibles, gadgets, soft toys and board games are ready to satisfy your every desire. Do not miss the opportunity to face incredible adventures with your friends by playing unmissable board games .